Friday, October 2, 2015

October 2, 2015 -- Pancake Breakfast and Silent Auction REMINDERS!

A few friendly reminders about the pancake breakfast and silent auction this weekend.

1) Equipment and Food Donations.  Please review the attached SIGN UP LIST as a reminder of what you've committed to bring to the breakfast.  Plan to bring your items at 7:00 a.m. Saturday morning so we can start setting up and getting ready for the breakfast. If you are not on the list and have signed up to bring something, please let me know. 

2) Silent Auction baskets and items.  Please bring them with you Saturday morning.  We can help you fill out a Bid Sheet that morning.  If you still need help staging or wrapping your item, please let me know ASAP as I am wrapping this afternoon.

3) Ticket Sales.  There's still time!  Remember, every swimmer is asked to sell at least 5 tickets.  Turn in all proceeds to the East treasurer and tell her your name and that it's for East Swim team ticket sales so you'll get credit.

4) Advertise!  Please post the attached flyer on your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, blog, etc. More the merrier!

5) Dress warmly in red!  It's going to be a little chilly, but (hopefully) rain free.  Dress accordingly. :D