Monday, October 12, 2015

Weekly Email:  October 11-17, 2015

Hello All!

Well, we are on our way!  We had a good group of swimmers this first week, and I am excited for the season.  Our suits and other gear have been ordered, and will hopefully be here for our first meet, which is Nov 6th.  THANK-YOU Jodie Swanson! Our first 2 meets, originally scheduled at South Davis have been changed.  The meet Nov 6th is now a home meet at our pool with Hillcrest and Rowland Hall.  The relay meet has been cancelled, but we've been allowed to join a meet at Fairmont with Highland and Kearns on Thursday Nov 12. The meet schedule on the blog:, is correct.  

There are still a few swimmers who are not completely cleared on registermyathlete.  Most of those, we are just waiting for physicals to be accepted by the athletic director.  Camille Cortez and Ian Ashworth need to get on there and complete all sections and E-signatures.  Lindsay Lloyd, Nicole Sullivan, Rob Colgan, and Ramsey Fautin - you do NOT show up for me. Please get on there and be sure to register for swimming.  There are a few transfers we are waiting for too.

This is a SHORT week!  We have practice M,T,W only.  Remember on Wednesdays to bring workout clothes for dryland after swimming.  Also on Wednesdays, plan to go until 4:45pm. Monday October 19 we start morning practices!!  Mondays are 7-8:30am (because school is late-start).  Wednesdays are varsity only 5:30-7am (and varsity invited). Fridays are everyone! Breakfast will be provided by our fabulous parents on Wednesdays and Fridays.

The Halloween Social will be on Saturday, October 24 at 6:00 pm at Rob Colgan's home, 1467 Gilmer Drive. We'll eat dinner (chili!) then go to the Haunted Village. All swimmers are to bring $5 to pay a portion of their ticket - the team will pay the rest! After the Village, everyone will return to the Colgan's for desert and an outside scary movie. Be sure to bring a warm jacket or coat and a camp chair for the outside movie. Thank you Marilyn, Chris and Rob Colgan for hosting!!

Every week in this email, I will give attendance numbers. The swimmers can look at the spreadsheet that I will print every Monday and bring to the pool. Remember - you must have 85% attendance to swim in the meets. JV swimmers will have the opportunity to earn a make-up every Monday by attending both practices. Being late, or having an excused absence will affect your attendance.

For this week (only 4 practices):
100%: Allison B, Maddie, Madison, Lauren, Sammy, Madeline, Katy, Abbey, Stephanie, Meghan, Jessie, Mary, Noah, Daxton, Griffin, Jared, Oskar, Jackson, Zach, Dylan, Connor, Jack, Hank, Cam, Jesper
75%: Mae, Kanna, Ally H, Jamie, Dana, Julius, Jojo, Alex, James
50-74%: Camille, Busra, Peyton, Lindsay, Chloe, Emma, Eleanor, Ian, Rob, David, Isaac, Nathan
Less than 50%: Nicole B, Nicole S, Ramsey, Nick, Adam

See you at the pool!
