Monday, September 29, 2014

September 29 - FUNDRAISER FRENZY and other stuff...

Swimmers and Parents,

Thank you swimmers for coming out and getting RED The E looks wonderful and you all worked so hard, thank you!  We will finish this fun project WEDNESDAY (not tomorrow) so remember to bring your 4 inch roller if you have one.  What a difference and what a great way to support our school and show that the swim team has the most school spirit!  We will also be making posters for Saturday's fundraiser so more kids the better!  Remember to check it out next time you drive by!

We are in the final planning stages of this weekend's fundraiser PANCAKE BREAKFAST, SILENT AUCTION and BAKE SALE.  We encourage and challenge every swimmer to bring in at least 5 extra attendees who will come eat, bid and buy.  Attached is the flyer (thanks Steve Swanson!!) and we encourage you all to post it on your FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM and/or TWITTER accounts and EMAIL/TEXT it to your family and friends so we can get as many people as possible.  We'll be posting flyers around the school and plan to advertise around the community this week. Remember to bring your cash and checkbooks to support our team!

Thanks to those of you who have offered your services!  We have more positions to fill and items to donate, so here's your chance!  There will be a sign-up sheet at workouts tomorrow and Wednesday -- swimmers can sign themselves AND their parents up for a shift or two.  We need all hands on deck so please help!  Attached is a signup sheet for those of you who have already committed.  If you are interested in filling a vacant spot, please respond to this email!

We priced out all of the food items at Costco and we'd really appreciate making this a total fundraiser and having any of you who are able to, donate these items.  Email Joslin Wright back and let her know if you are willing to help out by THURSDAY AT NOON so she can purchase what isn't donated.

We need to borrow a 3 Gallon (or larger) Water Cooler filled with 2.5 gal clean, cold water.  We have 2 but need 3 more!

(Thank you Brian and Karen Day for donating all the breakfast meat! WOW!)

We need 6 - six packs Kirkland Frozen Orange Juice
(6/16 oz cans, makes 3 gallons)
Price per six pack: $9.39

We need 4 – 2 packs Mrs. Butterworth's Syrup
(2/64 oz each)       
Price per 2-pack: $6.09

We need 4 bags Krusteaz Buttermilk Pancake Mix
(10 lb bag, need 40 lb total)
Price per bag: $6.39

We need:
  • 50 Oranges, sliced in eighths
  • 20-30 lb grapes – trimmed in small clusters (green or red)
  • 75 Bananas (we’ll cut in 1/3’s or 1/4's at breakfast)
This is totally volunteer driven!  Please bring your individually wrapped bake sale items to the event at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 4th.  We will price them using a color coded method.  If you'd like to bring a basket, tray or something cute to display them on, even better!  Thanks to Deanna Mortensen for volunteering to head this up!  We've had great success in years passed and we can't wait to see what all you bakers come up with this year!

Thanks to those of you who have donated items!  If you still have items to donate that need wrapping or staging, please let Joslin Wright know ASAP by either responding to the email or by calling Joslin at (801) 661-0300. She has put the baskets and items together and is in the process of preparing the bid sheets and will be sharing the items up for bid very soon!  

Remember to wear East High Swim Team apparel, East High apparel or Red.

If anyone has questions, concerns, encouragement, etc. please let us know!