Monday, September 15, 2014

SEPTEMBER 15 - 19, 2014

Swimmers and Families -

Great first week!  Considering all the hoops we all are learning to jump through, we had a good group at practices.  Remember our practice schedule:  Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs - 3:00-4:00 pm at SL Sports Complex.  Monday and Wednesday are dryland - wear shorts, shirts, running shoes - meet on south side of pool.  Tuesday and Thursday are swimming - be ready to get IN the pool at 3pm! Bring a water bottle to ALL practices. I must have the physical form turned in to ME before you can participate.  All swimmers need to be registered on  It is from this list that I will create and turn in a roster.  Please do it now!  It won't be complete, but at least you are listed.  It is especially important for anyone that needs to be approved as a transfer from ANY other high school in Utah, or in the USA, or Japan, or anywhere! Those need to get started through the system.  I can't put you on the roster if you have not registered.

GEAR order forms must be turned in to the East treasurer, along with payment, by FRIDAY, Sept 19th.  You don't want to be left out when everyone is getting their suits and bags, and sweats!  Jodie Swanson will be at practice this WEDNESDAY, Sept. 17th with the fit kits for anyone who didn't get to try on a suit for sizing purposes.

All other forms that weren't handed in at the BBQ need to be handed in to Cathy this week ASAP.  All the forms can be accessed on the East Swim Blog Page under the FORMS tab at the following link:

Upcoming events:
  • We will be painting the 'E' on 13th East on Saturday, Sept 27th at 9AM. Please bring a paint brush and scrapper, wear old clothes and plan on helping! 
  •  Silent Auction will be on Oct. 4thWe need donations!  Swimmers and Parents - if you know someone who might have something to donate, please help!  The donation letter and tax form can also be found on the blog site.  If everyone finds one item... 
  •  Also coming up on Sept. 24th is the Noodles & Company fundraiser.  The swim team gets a percentage of sales that evening. There will be sign-up sheets for swimmers. Families - plan on eating there that day!  
If you haven't figured it out yet - the best place to find answers to your questions is on the swim team blog site:  Also - please register your email there.  

Whew! Got all that??  

Questions??  Thanks parents!  
