Sunday, November 2, 2014

NOVEMBER 3-7, 2014--Busy Swim Week Coming Up!

Hello Swimmers and Parents - 

This is a long email. We have a busy week coming up including our LAST fundraiser and our FIRST meet!

First - Please help us spread the word about the last team sponsored fundraiser on Tuesday November 4th from 6-9pm at Chipotle on 21st South. The team receives 50% of the proceeds from the sales that night.  We encourage every swimmer to bring family and friends to come eat.  Attached is the flyer (single/double) to print or post on your FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM and/or TWITTER accounts and EMAIL/TEXT it to your family and friends so we can get as many people as possible.  We'll be posting flyers around the school and plan to advertise around the community this week. Remember to come support our team!

Second - Our first meet!! On Friday November 7th.  The bus will DEPART from 8th South outside the Gyms at 2pm.  You will be excused from class at 1:45pm.  EVERYONE is expected to be on the bus!  Meets count DOUBLE!  If you are unable to swim because of low attendance, or some other reason (??), you must still come and cheer on your teammates. REMEMBER to wear your new EAST SWIM TEAM attire to school on Friday. Everyone is expected to ride the bus both directions.  You may get a ride home with your OWN parent if the PARENT tells me IN PERSON that you will not be on the bus.  NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule.  PLEASE don't leave without a parent telling me, or the whole team sits and waits on the bus while we try to find you.  We should arrive back at East High at about 6-6:30pm.  After the meet, the team will go to dinner at Costa Vida in Foothill Village, so bring money to pay for your dinner if you plan to go (strongly encouraged).

Schedule this week:
  • Normal practice schedule: M:7-8:30am, M-Th:3-4:30pm, F:5:30-7am, W Varsity:5:30-7am
  • November 4th: Chipotle Fundraiser night, 5:00-9:00, everyone must participate (shift sign-up sheet on Monday)
  • First Meet!! November 7th: Judge, East and Clearfield @ Bountiful (South Davis Rec Center) - AWAY MEET
  • November 7th: Dinner @ Costa Vida (Foothill location) after Bountiful Meet
  • 100%++:Mei, Eden, Kanna, Maddie, Jamie, Katy, Meghan, Daxton, Griffin, Jackson, Alex M, Jack, James NICE!
  • 90-99%: Sam, Ally, Chiharu, Dana, Abbey P, Stephanie,Jesse, Nicole, Rob, Jared, Zach, Dylan, Nathan, Cameron
  • 85-89%: Olivia, Allison, Mary, Adam, Noah, Nick, Ryan, Travis (Careful - don't miss!)
  • 82%: Madeline, Lauren, Hank (will be ok by meet on Friday if you don't miss and aren't late)
  • 50-70%: Alicia, Ainu, Emma R, Wendy, Alen (not eligible to swim in the meet this week - need Monday makeups)
  • <50%: Alex I, Andria, Abbie J, Aidan (not eligible for meet - need makeups - twice on Mondays)
Remember that being late - even 1 minute - means the practice counts only 75% If you are more than 20 minutes late, it doesn't count at all.  We go by the big scoreboard clock on the wall, which has been a few minutes fast!  Be ready to go early! 

Thank you to the Hopson and Mayer Families for breakfast last week!

Breakfast this week:
  • November 5th (Wednesday Varsity) breakfast provided by Nate Van Buren and Family
  • November 7th (Friday) breakfast provided by Noah Bodnar, Dylan Packham and Families
Heads-up for next week (11/10-15/14):
  • November 12th (Wednesday Varsity) breakfast - Jensen/Knudson Families
  • November 13th - Region Relay @ Kearns - AWAY MEET
  • November 13th - Dinner @ Habit Burger after Kearns Meet
  • November 14th (Friday) breakfast - Nick Olsen Family
  • November 15th - Lazer Quest and Dinner Team Building Activity (more details to follow)
    Go East!