Sunday, November 9, 2014

NOVEMBER 10-15, 2014 -- Great Week Last Week!

Hi all,

First of all - Fabulous job at the meet everyone!  Many of you beat your best times from last year.  Amazing!  Our team scores were not great, but like I told you at practice, we can't win as a team unless we fill all the events.  We had several events with only one person swimming.  We also had several people unable to swim, for various reasons.  Both of those things need to change if we want to win as a team.  Individually though, wow!  You were fantastic!  That was a great start.  Let's keep it up!  You can find results on the blog:

Second - GREAT job at the Chipotle fundraiser!  We raised $1278.  This money will be used for activities, travel, equipment, and the year end banquet.  I loved the camaraderie I felt between team members.  

Next - There is a team activity planned for November 15 at 7:45 pm - Lazer Quest and Dinner (7202 S 900 E, Midvale) The team will play two laser tag games and have pizza in the party room.  The cost for this activity is $5 per swimmer which we will collect that evening. There will be a sign-up list at practice this week to get a count of swimmers that will be participating. 

Parents, if you can help with this activity please contact Jodie Swanson ( or 801-712-0456).  

  • Normal practice schedule:  Mon-Wed 3 PM, Mon 7AM, Wed (Varsity) 5:30 AM, Friday (everyone) 5:30 AM.
  • Wednesday breakfast provided by Madeline Jensen, Chiharu Ito, James Tippets and families. Thank-you!
  • Friday breakfast provided by Nick Olsen and family. Thank-you!
  • RELAY MEET!  Thursday November 13 @ Kearns Oquirrh Park Fitness Center (5624 S Cougar Lane (4800 W)).  School bus departs East at 1:30PM.  Swimmers will be excused at 1:15PM.  Warm-up 2:30PM, Meet start 3:30PM.
  • Saturday Nov 15 - Lazer Quest 7:45-10PM.
ATTENDANCE - It looks better this week.
  • 100%+: Eden, Kanna, Maddie, Jamie, Katy, Meghan, Griffin, Jackson, Alex M, Jack, James
  • 90-99%: Mei, Allison, Ally, Chiharu, Dana, Stephanie, Jesse, Mary, Nicole, Adam, Noah, Daxton, Rob, Jared, Zach, Dylan, Ryan, Cameron, Travis
  • 85-89%: Olivia, Lauren, Sam, Madeline, Abbey P, Hank, Nathan
  • 80-82%: Emma, Nick (need a make-up Monday) Plan to swim on Thursday
  • 62-68%: Alicia, 'Ainu, Wendy (need make-ups) Plan to swim on Thursday anyway
  • <50%: Alex I, Andria, Abbie J, Alen, Aidan (need make-ups)  Probably not swimming Thursday
THANK-YOU to the Van Buren, Phillips, Bodnar, and Packham families for breakfasts last week, and the Colgan family for snacks on the bus.

Heads-up for next week (11/17-11/22): 
  • Nov 18th – Dinner at the Mayer House (1415 Roxbury Road, SLC) after practice 
  • Nov 19th (Wednesday Varsity) breakfast -  Maddie Day Family 
  • Nov 19th - Olympus @ East - HOME MEET 
  • Nov 20th - Team Pictures at SL Sports Complex 3:00PM.  Wear team suit. (Please be on time so we can get this done quickly and get to practice)
  •  Nov 21st - (Friday) breakfast - Hank Thompson, Zach Olson and families