Sunday, November 1, 2015

Weekly Email:  November 1 - 6, 2015

Hi Everyone!

This will be a busy week!  We have our last fundraiser, and our first meet.

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Please help us spread the word about our last team sponsored fundraiser on Wednesday, November 4th from 5-9 pm at Chipotle Mexican Grill, 1011 East 2100 South.  The team receives 50% of the proceeds from the sales that night. EVERYONE should come eat with the team and bring ALL your friends and family!  Attached is the flyer (single/double) to print and post on your FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM and or TWITTER accounts and EMAIL/TEXT it to your family and friends so we can get as many people as possible.  We'll be posting flyers around the school and plan to advertise around the community this week. 

Thursday is our first home meet team dinner!  We will be carbo loading and getting excited for the meet. Dinner at East in the cafeteria right after practice.  The team gear order will be handed out!!  To receive your gear, your balance MUST be completely paid at the East treasurer's office.  If you have questions about your balance please contact Jodie Swanson ( or 801-712-0456)

Friday is our first home meet!  The meet will be held at Salt Lake Sports Complex, 645 South Guardsman Way against Hillcrest and Rowland Hall.  Warm-up starts at 2:45pm, meet starts at 3:30pm.  Come out and watch your swimmers! They have been working hard so far this season!  We need more timers!  Timers have the best seats at the meet!  Swimmers must be completely cleared in registermyathlete to be eligible to compete.  Nearly everyone is ok, but there are a few problems:  Madison and Busra – waiting for transfers to clear; Mae and Nicole S – fee balance is not cleared (also needed to receive gear); Jesper and Isaac – physicals have not cleared, they have been turned in.  I’m not sure of the problem; Ramsey – no physical.

ATTIRE for Home Meets: All team members are expected to wear best dress - this is ties for the guys and dresses for the gals.

to Mayer, Hopson, and Wright Families for providing breakfast last week.

Breakfast this Week:
Wednesday:  Nov. 4 - (Varsity) provided by Meghan Rainier and Family
Friday: Nov. 6 - (Reduced Team) provided by Madeline Jensen and Family

Heads-up For Next Week:
Wednesday Nov. 11 - Breakfast provided by James Tippets and Family
Thursday: Nov. 12 - East, Kearns @ Highland - AWAY MEET
Thursday: Nov. 12 - Dinner @ Pizza Studio (Foothill location after Highland Meet)
Friday: Nov. 13 - Breakfast provided by Abbey Phillips and Family

We normally start our year with a relay meet in which nearly everyone gets to swim, regardless of attendance percentage.  Since the relay meet was cancelled this year, I am relaxing the attendance requirement for this first meet.  Swimmers with attendance under 50% will NOT be swimming. Swimmers with attendance between 51% and 84% will participate ONLY if they attend practice Friday morning.  This week, Friday morning practice will be required for Varsity swimmers and a make-up for everyone else.  Swimmers with 85% attendance and above are in good standing, and fully eligible to swim in meets.  ALL swimmers are expected to attend the meet, and warm-up with the team.  Meets count double! Your attendance percentage takes a hit if you miss a meet.  If you cannot attend the meet, PLEASE let me know as soon as possible.  It is very difficult to shuffle relays at the last minute.  Your teammates are depending on you!!  Next week, ONLY swimmers in good standing will be signed up for the meet.

Looking better this week:
  • 100%+:  Allison B, Maddie, Madison, Madeline, Jamie, Stephanie, Meghan, Jessie, Noah, Griffin, Jared, Jackson, Dylan, Connor 
  • 90-95%: Kanna, Lauren, Katy, Daxton, Alex, Jack 
  • 85-89%: Ally H, Mary, Eleanor, Hank, James, Cameron 
  • 80-84%: Nicole B, Sammy, Dana, Abbey, Rob, Oskar, Zach (need make-up) 
  • 60-79%: Mae, Busra, Peyton, Lindsay, Emma R, Ian, Ramsey, Jesper, Julius, Joseph, Austin, Isaac (Need make-ups, must come Friday morning) 
  • 50-59%: Nate, Chloe, Nicole S (Need make-ups, must come Friday morning) 
  • Below 50% NOT ELIGIBLE FOR MEET – David, Nick, Adam