Friday, November 27, 2015

Weekly Email:  November 22-27, 2015

Swimmers and Families,

There is a great collection of pictures on the photo's tab on the blog!  All Swim Team event photos have been added to the swim photo's tab.  It looks like we have been doing some pretty fun things so far this season!  Check them out!

November 24th Team Activity:  Come Celebrate Thanksgiving Break with your Team!   Everyone attending the movie after the Olympus meet should have already had the chance to sign up. 

On Wednesday, Nov 25th, there is no school.  We will hold practice 5:30-7am, open to all, and 3-4:30pm.  As on Mondays, Varsity swimmers are required at both, everyone else, at one.  It will be another make-up chance for many of you.

I wanted to give the swimmers the link to a video I referenced last week.  All should watch it. Although it is talking about school, it also applies to the swim team.

I don’t feel like we have any overzealous parents, but just in case you start to feel that way, here is one for you:

Thank you to Day, Rich, and Wright Families for providing breakfast last week and Mayer, Colgan, Phillips, Van Buren, Lyon-Dunn, Cowie, Hopson, Robinson, Day, and Hunt families for providing dinner last week.

This Week:
  • Tuesday: Nov. 24 - East at Olympus - AWAY Meet – Bus at 2:00pm; swimmers excused at 1:45pm.
  • Tuesday: Nov. 24 - November Team Party after Olympus meet, U of U theater room
  • Wednesday: Nov. 25 - ??Breakfast provided by Cam Wright and Family - No school
  • Thursday: Nov. 26 - Thanksgiving Break!!
  • Friday: Nov. 26 - Thanksgiving Break!!
Heads-up for Next Week:
  • Monday: Nov. 30 - Dinner @ Wright Home (1392 Canterbury Drive)
  • Tuesday: Dec. 1 - Bountiful, Bonneville, Fremont, Rowland Hall @ East - HOME MEET
  • Wednesday: Dec. 2 - Breakfast provided by Meghan Rainier and Family
  • Friday: Dec. 4 - Breakfast provided by Jackson Keller and Family
  • Friday: Dec. 4 - Park City Invite - AWAY MEET
  • Friday: Dec. 4 - Dinner @ Cafe Rio (440 South) after Park City Meet
Attendance Numbers
I only received pictures of 9 swimmers at the football game, and none of them really needed any make-ups.  Anyone else???  As I told you, if you were listening, anyone sending me a picture (text or email) of themselves at the football game, with the scoreboard in the background, would be awarded a make-up practice.
  • 100%+: Allison B, Kanna, Maddie, Madison, Lauren, Stephanie, Meghan, Noah, Jared, Jackson, Connor - Awesome!!
  • 95-99%: Madeline, Ally H, Jamie, Katy, Jessie, Daxton, Griffin, Oskar, Alex, Dylan
  • 90-94%: Sammy, Mary, Eleanor, Ian, Rob, Jack
  • 84-89%:  Mae, Nicole B, Dana, Abbey, Zach, Hank, James, Cameron, Nicole S, Chloe (Peyton, Nate) – Don’t miss!
  • 80-84%:  Lindsay, Emma R, Ramsey, Austin, Isaac – Come twice on Monday to fully participate in the meet.
  • 70-79%: Busra, Jesper, Julius, Jojo, Nick, Adam – Can swim the 50 FR at the meet.  Come twice on Monday (and Wednesday) to bring up percentage. 
  • Below 60%: David