Sunday, September 20, 2015

September 21, 2015

Here is a quick update for the coming week.  

  • Monday Sept 21 - practice 3-4 pm - Swimming
  • Tuesday Sept 22 - practice 3-4 pm - Dryland
  • Wednesday Sept 23 - practice 3-4 pmSwimming - andNoodles fundraiser 5-9 pm.  ALL swimmers are expected to help with this. Please see Meghan to sign up for a shift if you have not done so yet.
  • Thursday Sept 25 - practice 3-4 pm - Dryland
  • Saturday Sept 26 - 10:00 am.  Paint the 'E'!  This will be a fun job to spruce up the 'E' before our pancake breakfast (Oct 3th). Report to the 'E' on 13th East at 10 am Please plan on cleaning, scrapping, edging, sweeping, and painting the ‘E’ red, wear old clothes and plan on helping! Remember to bring a paint brush or roller, tray and a scraper.

Remember - Attendance requirements start October 5th.  Physicals and registration on must be completed by then for swimmers to participate and practice with the team.

Upcoming Events:

  • Saturday October 3 - Pancake Breakfast/Silent Auction
    • Pancake Breakfast Ticket Sales:
      • Please turn in ALL money to East Treasurer.  Tell her your name and to credit the East Swim Team account.  She'll keep track of all the money you've earned so we can see who sells the most tickets!
      • If you need MORE TICKETS to sell, Cam and Jack will have extras at the pool, or you can email us and we can make arrangements to drop them off.
      • As a reminder, we are asking every swimmer to sell AT LEAST 5 tickets
    • Silent Auction Basket/Items:
      • Every swimmer is asked to donate a basket or silent action item
      • If possible, please email us at by Monday, September 28th to let us know what your auction item is and the "value" so we can include it on the bid sheet.
      • We will have extra bid sheets available the morning of the auction if necessary
      • If you need help "staging" your auction item, please let us know as soon as possible but not after September 28th.  We are happy to help and offer suggestions.
    •  Donations and Volunteers:
Thank you for ALL of your help!