Thursday, January 8, 2015

JANUARY 8, 2014 -- Cedar City!!

Hi Swimmers and Parents - 

I have attached the Itinerary for our trip to Cedar City Jan 16-17.  I hope ALL eligible swimmers will go!!  The team always has a lot of fun on these trips. It is the REWARD for sticking with it and keeping attendance numbers up!  

Swimmers will be excused from school for the full day on Jan 16th.  BUT THAT IS THE LAST DAY OF THE TERM!!  It is up to each student to talk to teachers and let them know you will be absent (B day).  You will need to make arrangements to take tests early and turn in projects due that day. The bus is not scheduled until 8:45am, so you have time to attend some of your first class, or turn in projects that morning before we leave. Make arrangements NOW!

I must turn in Meet entries by Jan 13th.  PLEASE let me know SOON if you are not going!  I must pay an entry fee for all swimmers entered in the meet, whether you actually show up or not.  

There is a $30 fee due to the East Treasurer by Wednesday Jan 14th.  This, along with fund raising money, pays for rooms, treats, lunch on the bus, dinner, and transportation.  It does NOT pay for lunch after the meet on Saturday when we plan to go to Cafe Rio.  Bring $10 or $15 with you for lunch.

Most of you filled out your forms at the beginning of the year, but there are a few missing:
Please turn these in to me ASAP! The school must have them on file before we leave.

  1. Let me know NOW if you can't go
  2. Talk to teachers NOW about missing Friday Jan 16th (B day)
  3. Turn in roommate request slip to Cathy by Friday afternoon Jan 9th
  4. Turn in Permission and Code of Conduct forms to Cathy ASAP - see list above
  5. Pay $30 to EAST Treasurer by Wed. Jan 14th
  6. Be ready to get on the bus on Friday Jan 16th at 8:45am.
Remember to bring warm clothes and something for your feet to wear during the meet. Performance suffers if you get cold! Remember, the bus does not have room for a lot of extra stuff. Be reasonable with what you bring. We will be on a regular school bus.

Questions? please ask! 

It's time for FUN!


PS - we are still looking for a few timers for the City Meet - our LAST home meet of the season! - on Jan 13th. Email Jodie No experience needed!