Tuesday, January 6, 2015

JANUARY 6, 2015 -- Last Home Meet, Timers Needed!

Hello Parents – We still desperately need timers for our last home meet on January 13.  We currently have only 8 of the required 16 people to time this event.  We would really appreciate your help. Timers report behind the starting blocks by 3:15 for the meet starting at 3:30 p.m.

If you have not timed this season we need your support now.  Joslin and I will not be available to time at this meet as we will be setting up for the Freshman Fair. 

Timing is an easy and fun way to support the team.  Timers have the best view and cheering opportunities at meets.  If you have not timed before don't worry, timing is easy and we will provide a quick lesson before the meet.

Those who have not timed before are encouraged to get involved. Parents that have helped time this season are also welcome.

Please respond to me (snjswanson@msn.com) if you are available to help time with our last home meet and if you have a timing lane preference. 

This is who has volunteered so far:

Timer 1
Timer 2
Lane #1

Lane #2
 Kristin Hopson
Spencer Hopson
Lane #3
 Partick Bodnar

Lane #4
 Marilyn Colgan
 Courtney Hale
Lane #5
 Rich Robinson
 Deanna Mortensen
Lane #6

Lane #7

Lane #8
 Vince Keller

Thank you to all of the families that have helped with the team this season, your support has been wonderful!  


Jodie Swanson