Sunday, January 25, 2015

JANUARY 26-31, 2015 -- The End is Nearing!

Wow - can you believe it - this is the last week for many of you!  

Nice job at Granger at our last regular meet of the year.  East won every event but one!  If we were a basketball team, we could be talking about all the things we executed perfectly.  We had a lot of best times - just not many from our top swimmers.  It was fun to swim at a nice new pool.  The Region 6 meet is this Saturday at the South Davis Rec Center (550 North 200 West in Bountiful). Everyone is expected to swim.  Almost all of you will be tapering this week, meaning we will back off quite a bit in our practices.  It doesn't mean they will be easy or unimportant, but our yardage will go down, and our focus will go up. The region entries will be decided by the coaches to try to help our team score as many points as possible.  We can only enter two relays, so not everyone will be on a relay.   

The region meet will be important for our team - to score as many points as possible, to each of you as an individual - to do the best you can do, and for those swimmers trying to get to the state meet - to get that time that will get them in.  State entries are due February 4th. Only swimmers participating at the State meet - as an individual, a relay member, or an alternate - will be expected at practice after the Region meet. A lot will depend on how many relays qualify to swim.  

The Region dinner is for all swimmers qualified to swim at region.  It will be Thursday at 6pm at the Spaghetti Factory in Trolley Square.  At this time you are all eligible.  I know several of you have been sick.  If you have not given me a note, please do.  The dinner will be paid for by the team, but you will need money for drinks or special requests.  

The Region 6 Championship meet is on Saturday.  The bus is scheduled to leave East at 6:15am.  East's warm-up is from 7-7:25am.  The meet starts at 8am.  There is an admission fee for spectators ($6 adults, $4 students, $20 family, under 5 and over 62 are free).  Programs can be purchased for $4. East needs to provide 2 timers for Lane 1.  Please email Jodie ( if you can help.  We have also been asked to provide an official.  Officials, please let me know if you will be there.

This Week's Schedule:
  • Monday 1/26:  2 practices - normal times.  ONLY Meghan and Katy at both.  Jack, Alex, Griffin - morning only.  Everyone else - pick either one.  7am or 3pm
  • Tuesday 1/27 - normal practice at 3pm.
  • Wednesday 1/28  - ONLY Katy and Meghan in the morning (5:30am).  Everyone in the afternoon (3pm)
  • Thursday 1/29 - Everyone at 3pm - we will probably finish early. Region dinner, 6pm, Spaghetti Factory.
  • Friday 1/30 - Everyone at 6:15am - 7am. (Breakfast - Colgan family)
  • Saturday 1/31 - Bus at 6:15am.  Meet runs 8am-1:30pm. Snacks supplied by the Swanson and Wright families. Lunch after at Hires.
Many thanks to:
  • Brown-Curtis, Day, Henshaw, Jensen, Keller-McDonald, Mayer, Z. Olson, Packham, Phillips, Robinson, Sloan, Swanson, and Wright, families for providing breakfasts, dinner, and bus snacks and chaperone help in Cedar the week of Jan. 12-17.
  • Rainier, Lewis, and N. Olsen families for providing breakfasts, dinner, and bus snacks last week
  • Marsha Rainier for conducting our dryland sessions all year!
I will let you know the schedule for next week and who needs to be at practice when I know better who will be swimming, and what, at state.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

JANUARY 19-23 -- Sunday Update

Nice job in Cedar City.  I hope everyone had fun.  We had some more good swims. The team placed second overall, with both the men's and women's teams getting second.  The guys were only 15 points behind Cedar City - Hank and Zach should have been there! We had TWO double champions - Katy Mayer won the 200 and 100 Free, and Meghan Rainier won the 200 IM and 100 Fly.  For the guys, we had several 2nd place finishers:  Alex Mayer in the 200 Free, Griffin Hale in the 100 Free, Jack Swanson in the 500 Free, Cameron Wright in the 100 Back, and Nathan Van Buren in the 100 Breast.  
This week is a normal practice schedule INCLUDING Monday.  We have our LAST dual meet on Thursday at Granger.  

Right now, attendance looks great with everyone at 85% or above. Only 2 more weeks until Region.  We need everyone eligible then!!

This Week (1/19-1/23):

  • January 21st – (Varsity) Breakfast provided by Rainier family
  • January 22nd - East @ Granger - AWAY MEET
  • January 22nd – Bus snacks provided by Nick Olson family
  • January 22nd  – Dinner at Pizza Studio (Foothill Location) after Granger Meet
  • January 23rd – Breakfast provided by Lewis family
  • January 23rd -  Men’s and Women’s Sleepovers (watch for text from Captain's)
  • Brown-Curtis,  Day, Henshaw, Jensen, Keller-McDonald, Mayer, Z. Olson, Packham , Phillips, Robinson, Sloan, Swanson, and Wright,families for providing breakfasts, dinner, and bus snacks last week. 
Heads-up Next Week (1/26-1/31):
  • January 28th – (Varsity) Breakfast provided by Brush family
  • January 29th - Region Dinner: Spaghetti Factory (more details TBA)
  • January 30th – Breakfast provided by Colgan family
  • January 31st - Region Championships @ South Davis - AWAY MEET
    • South Davis Rec Center, 550 North 200 West, Bountiful
  • January 31stBus snacks provided by Swanson and Wright families
  • January 31st  – Celebration dinner at Hires after Region Meet

Sunday, January 11, 2015

JANUARY 12-17, 2015

Hi Swimmers and Parents!

I can't believe how the season is winding down!  We only have 3 regular season meets left.  Then Region.  Then State.  

Last week was a good meet - especially considering we don't usually do great at the first meet after the holiday break. And that meet was huge and long. 4 of the 6 teams were 5A.  East was 3rd in the guys, 4th in the girls, and 3rd overall.  We beat the other 4A team - WoodsCross in both!!  Way to go!!  I think (hope) Griffin is now qualified for state, and went under a minute in his 100 back!  And Katy is no longer on the bubble in the 500, and went under 6:00 - she is absolutely in!!  'Ainu is now on the downslope of the bubble in breaststroke, I hope.  Girls breaststroke is SO fast this year!  Her time would easily qualify in past years, but this year??   Jack and Alex are on the bubble in the 500 with their time drops.  At the end of the 200IM, at that meet - East was in 1st place - by the end of the sprints, East was in 4th. Ugh, we will be working on sprinting...

Thank-you to the Bodnar, Hopson, Swanson, and Tippetts families for breakfasts last week, and the Kellers for the bus snacks.

THIS week:
  • Normal practice schedule
  • Monday Jan 12 - dinner at Wright's house (1392 Canterbury) after practice
  • Tuesday Jan 13 - City meet (East, West, Highland, Rowland Hall) at HOME (BEST dress at school) Thank-you to those who have promised to help time!
  • Tuesday Jan 13 - 5:30-7:30pm - Freshman Fair at East. (MAKE-UP opportunity! - go to straight to school after the meet)
  • Wednesday Jan 14 - Varsity breakfast - Mayer family
  • Friday Jan 16 - Breakfast? - Sloan and Packham families
  • Friday & Saturday Jan 16-17 - Cedar City Invitational - Itinerary attached.  
  • 100%+:  Kanna, Maddie, Ally, Jamie, Meghan, Jessie, Mary, Griffin, Travis
  • 91-99%: Mei, Eden, Allison, Lauren, Sam, Madeline, 'Ainu, Katy, Stephanie, Nicole, Jackson, Alex, Dylan, Jack, James, Cameron
  • 85-90%: Chiharu, Dana, Emma, Noah, Daxton, Rob, Jared, Nick, Zach, Ryan, Hank, Nathan (ok now - but be careful!)
  • 83%:  Abbey (need 1 make-up - Monday or Freshman Fair, and all other practices on time)
  • 81%: Olivia (need 2 make-ups - Monday AND Freshman Fair, and all other practices on time)
Cedar City Checklist
  1. Let me know NOW if you can't go
  2. Talk to teachers NOW about missing Friday Jan 16th (B day)
  3. Cathy needs roommate request from everyone if you want any roommate consideration
  4. Turn in Permission form to Cathy: Rob, Jared, Abbey
  5. Turn in Student Code of Conduct form to Cathy: Eden, Griffin, Jared, Abbey
  6. Pay $30 to EAST Treasurer by Wed. Jan 14th
  7. Keep attendance percentage up
Heads-up Next Week (1/19-1/23):

  • January 21st – (Varsity) Breakfast provided by Rainier family
  • January 22nd - East @ Granger - AWAY MEET, dinner at Pizza Studio in Foothill  meet
  • January 23rd – Breakfast provided by Lewis family
  • January 23rdSleepovers!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

JANUARY 8, 2014 -- Cedar City!!

Hi Swimmers and Parents - 

I have attached the Itinerary for our trip to Cedar City Jan 16-17.  I hope ALL eligible swimmers will go!!  The team always has a lot of fun on these trips. It is the REWARD for sticking with it and keeping attendance numbers up!  

Swimmers will be excused from school for the full day on Jan 16th.  BUT THAT IS THE LAST DAY OF THE TERM!!  It is up to each student to talk to teachers and let them know you will be absent (B day).  You will need to make arrangements to take tests early and turn in projects due that day. The bus is not scheduled until 8:45am, so you have time to attend some of your first class, or turn in projects that morning before we leave. Make arrangements NOW!

I must turn in Meet entries by Jan 13th.  PLEASE let me know SOON if you are not going!  I must pay an entry fee for all swimmers entered in the meet, whether you actually show up or not.  

There is a $30 fee due to the East Treasurer by Wednesday Jan 14th.  This, along with fund raising money, pays for rooms, treats, lunch on the bus, dinner, and transportation.  It does NOT pay for lunch after the meet on Saturday when we plan to go to Cafe Rio.  Bring $10 or $15 with you for lunch.

Most of you filled out your forms at the beginning of the year, but there are a few missing:
Please turn these in to me ASAP! The school must have them on file before we leave.

  1. Let me know NOW if you can't go
  2. Talk to teachers NOW about missing Friday Jan 16th (B day)
  3. Turn in roommate request slip to Cathy by Friday afternoon Jan 9th
  4. Turn in Permission and Code of Conduct forms to Cathy ASAP - see list above
  5. Pay $30 to EAST Treasurer by Wed. Jan 14th
  6. Be ready to get on the bus on Friday Jan 16th at 8:45am.
Remember to bring warm clothes and something for your feet to wear during the meet. Performance suffers if you get cold! Remember, the bus does not have room for a lot of extra stuff. Be reasonable with what you bring. We will be on a regular school bus.

Questions? please ask! 

It's time for FUN!


PS - we are still looking for a few timers for the City Meet - our LAST home meet of the season! - on Jan 13th. Email Jodie No experience needed!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

JANUARY 6, 2015 -- Last Home Meet, Timers Needed!

Hello Parents – We still desperately need timers for our last home meet on January 13.  We currently have only 8 of the required 16 people to time this event.  We would really appreciate your help. Timers report behind the starting blocks by 3:15 for the meet starting at 3:30 p.m.

If you have not timed this season we need your support now.  Joslin and I will not be available to time at this meet as we will be setting up for the Freshman Fair. 

Timing is an easy and fun way to support the team.  Timers have the best view and cheering opportunities at meets.  If you have not timed before don't worry, timing is easy and we will provide a quick lesson before the meet.

Those who have not timed before are encouraged to get involved. Parents that have helped time this season are also welcome.

Please respond to me ( if you are available to help time with our last home meet and if you have a timing lane preference. 

This is who has volunteered so far:

Timer 1
Timer 2
Lane #1

Lane #2
 Kristin Hopson
Spencer Hopson
Lane #3
 Partick Bodnar

Lane #4
 Marilyn Colgan
 Courtney Hale
Lane #5
 Rich Robinson
 Deanna Mortensen
Lane #6

Lane #7

Lane #8
 Vince Keller

Thank you to all of the families that have helped with the team this season, your support has been wonderful!  


Jodie Swanson

JANUARY 5-12 -- It's a new year!!!

Welcome to 2015!  Unless you qualify for state, most of you have only ONE MONTH of swimming left!  Our region championships are Jan 31st.

Please look carefully at your attendance.  A few of you need to be very careful if you want to be able to attend the meet in Cedar City with the team. EVERYONE, be aware that you will be excused from school on Friday Jan 16th BUT that is the LAST DAY OF THE TERM!!!  If you have tests or assignments due that day, you will need to make arrangements to turn them in early, or take tests early!  The bus is scheduled for 8:45am that day, which does give you a chance to turn things in that morning, if necessary. We WILL have practice that morning. PLEASE plan ahead!  The meet in Cedar City is an invitational, meaning there is an entry fee.  If you can NOT attend, please let me know by next Monday, Jan 12th.  Entries are due on the 13th.

January 13th is the Freshman Fair at East.  The swim team has a table.  This is the night of our last home meet at Steiner. Working at the table counts as a make-up for all swimmers.  You will need to go straight to school after the meet.

THIS week is fairly normal, except that our meet is on Friday afternoon in Bountiful. The bus will leave at 2PM.  We WILL have practice Friday morning.


100%+: Allison, Kanna, Maddie, Ally,Jamie, Meghan, Jessie, Mary, Griffin 

90-99%: Mei, Eden, Lauren, Madeline, Ainu, Katy, Stephanie,Nicole, Rob, Jackson, Alex, Dylan, Jack, James, Cameron, Travis

86-89%: Sam, Dana, Noah, Daxton, Jared, Nick, Zach, Ryan, Hank

85%: Chiharu, Abbey, Nathan - This group must be very careful to be on time and not miss a required practice!

84%: Emma - Ok if you attend all required practices and aren't late.  Come twice on Monday to be eligible for this week's meet. 

77-78%: Olivia, Wendy, Adam - This group needs multiple make-ups!!!  Look for a separate email detailing what you need to do to go to Cedar.


This Week (1/5-1/9):

January 7th – (Varsity) breakfast provided by Tippits family

January 9th - Breakfast provided by Bodner, Hopson, Swanson, and Wright. 

January 9th - East @ Woodscross - AWAY MEET (SOUTH DAVIS REC CENTER
, 550 North 200 West, Bountiful)

January 9th - Dinner at B & D Burger after Woodscross Meet

January 9th – Bus snacks provided by Keller family

Heads-up Next Week (1/12-1/17):

January 12th - Dinner at Wright Home (1392 Canterbury Drive) 

January 13th - City Meet (East, Highland, West) @ East  - HOME MEET, WE NEED TIMERS!

January 13th – Freshman Fair, 5:30-7:30 at East

January 14th -  (Varsity) Breakfast provided by  Mayer family

January 16th - Breakfast provided by Sloan and Packham families

January 16 & 17th - East @ Cedar City - AWAY MEET