Sunday, December 21, 2014

DECEMBER 22 - JANUARY 2 -- Happy Holidays!!

I hope you all have a great Christmas and holiday break! 

This week we have NO practices except Friday 12/26 (7-8:30am).We had another good meet last Thursday. I think (hope) we have four individual state qualifiers now: Nathan Van Buren in the 100 Breast, Katy Mayer in the 500 Free, Ainu Kaufusi in the 100 Breast, and Meghan Rainier in a bunch of events. Plus, I am pretty confident that we have, or will qualify, all three of the girls relays!! YAY! We have several more swimmers who are right on the edge of qualifying, as well as all the boys relays, but times will probably still need to come down.

Our swimmers of the meet last week were Nicole Sullivan for dropping 8 seconds on her breaststroke and Jared Hunt for breaking that 1 minute barrier in his 100 free leading off the relay, after clocking a 1:00.00 in his individual event. Nice job!

REMEMBER your attendance counts over the holiday break!! If you are not at 85% on January 15, you will not be able to attend the Cedar City Meet with the team. Several of you are below 85% now. There will be a couple of make-up opportunities in January, but not enough to pull your percentage up much. Coming twice on Mondays also works as a make-up for all but the varsity swimmers. If you have doctors' notes for missing because you were sick - bring them to me! 


·        100%+: Allison, Maddie, Kanna, Ally, Meghan, Mary, Griffin,Jackson
·        95-99%: Eden, Lauren, Madeline, Jamie, Katy, Stephanie, Jessie, Nicole, Alex, Jack,Travis
·        90-94%: Mei, Ainu, Abbey, Daxton, Jared, Dylan, Ryan, James, Cameron
·        85-89%: Sam, Dana, Emma, Wendy, Noah, Nick, Zach, Hank, Nathan
·        83-84%: Olivia, Chiharu, Adam, Rob

Anyone whose attendance percentage is below about 92% is vulnerable over this break. The more excused absences you have had, the more careful you must be since your percentage will fall faster. The practice schedule is detailed below. Make careful note of the times. 

Next 2 Weeks (12/22-1/3):
·        12/20-12-25:Holiday Moratorium - NO practices! Have a GREAT Holiday break!
·        12/26 Friday: Practice 7-8:30AM
·        12/29 Monday:  Practices (BOTH for varsity, ONE for all others) 7-8:30AM and 3-4:30PM
·        12/30 Tuesday: Practice 8-9:30AM (notice this one is different!)
·        12/31Wednesday:  7-8:30AM Varsity AND Friends and Family Meet!! 3-4:30PM ALLfamily members, alumni and East Swimming friends are invited to participate.  Spread the word! Holiday treats afterward.
·        1/1 Thursday - HAPPY NEW YEAR!  Moratorium - no practice
·        1/2 Friday: Practice 7-8:30AM

Our Friends And Family Meet on Wednesday afternoon, New Years Eve!, counts as a normal practice (not double like other meets). Families are encouraged to participate and celebrate the New Year with us! Team members are expected to swim 2 events and as many relays as you want with your family and friends. We will have treats afterwards. Events will be: 200 Medley Relay, 50 Free, 50 Breast, 100 IM, 50 Back, 50 Fly, 200 Free Relay.

Thank You:
·         Hopson, Rainier, and Wright families for breakfast last week·      Brush,Colgan, Day, Henshaw, Jensen, Mayer, Z. Olsen, Phillips, and Swanson families for providing dinner last week.

Heads-up for returning week of the new year (1/5-1/9):
·         January 7th – (Varsity) breakfast provided by Tippets family
·        January 9th - Breakfast provided by XXX.  In need of a volunteer, let Jodie ( or Kristin Hopson ( know if interested.
·        January 9th - East @ Woodscross - AWAY MEET
·        SOUTH DAVIS REC CENTER, 550 North 200 West, Bountiful
·        January 9th - Dinner at B & D Burger after Woodscross Meet
·        January 9th – Bus snacks provided by Keller family 

Everybody rest up, get well, and get ready to have a FAST January in the pool!