Sunday, December 6, 2015

Weekly Email:  December 7-11, 2015

Hello Swimmers!

First of all – a HUGE congratulations to our FOUR East Sterling Scholars!!!  Mind blowing!  It must be some kind of a record!  Ally Hopson, Jackson Keller, Nick Olsen, and Eleanor Wettstein.  Good luck as you move on to the state-wide competition!  We are SO proud of you!

Nice job at the meets this week.  At the Tuesday meet, Girls got 3rd, and the Boys won!!  YAY!

At the Park City Invite, we had a slew of best times.  Everyone really stepped up for the bigger invitational type meet.  Of 10 teams, the girls got 5th and the boys got 6th.  Results can be found on the blog:

Swimmers of the meet:
I haven’t announced the Park City swimmers yet, so that will stay a secret, but at the Tuesday meet our swimmers of the meet were:
  • Lindsay Lloyd – Lindsay amazed everyone there with her singing of the national anthem.  What guts to get up there in a swim suit and sing like that!!  Beautiful. 
  • Rob Colgan – Rob dropped time in both of his events, .26 seconds in his 50, and a whopping 23.3 second drop in his 500!

Team Christmas Party:  

Friday, December 11th at 6:30 pm, Mayer Home (1415 Roxbury Road).  Please bring a white elephant gift.  Sleepovers will follow the Christmas party.  Boys will sleep at the Mayer's and the girls will sleep at the Day home.  See team captains for more details.

Thank you to Rainier and Keller Families for providing breakfast last week and the Olsen, Wright and Swanson Families for providing bus snacks for the Park City meet.  A big thank you to Wright, Phillips, Jensen, Service, Cowie, Henshaw, and Swanson families for providing the team dinner last week.  The swimmers loved it!

This Week:
  • Monday, Dec. 7 - Dinner at Mayer Home (1415 Roxbury Road) 
  • Tuesday, Dec. 8 - Box Elder, Highland, and Rowland Hall @ East - HOME MEET 
    • Team best dress at school
  • Wednesday, Dec. 9 - Breakfast provided by Jack Swanson and Family 
  • Friday, Dec. 11 -Breakfast provided by Connor Rich and Family 
  • Friday, Dec. 11 - Team Christmas Party 6:30 pm at Mayer Home (1415 Roxbury Road), Boys & Girls Sleepovers following party

Heads up for Next Week:
  • Monday, Dec. 14 - Dinner @ Rich Home (1468 Michigan Ave) 
  • Tuesday, Dec. 15 - Woods Cross @ East - HOME MEET (Last home meet!) 
    • Team best dress at school
  • Wednesday, Dec. 16 - Breakfast provided by Alex & Katy Mayer and Family 
  • Wednesday, Dec. 16 - Team Pictures at SL Sports Complex 3:00.  Wear team suit. Please be on time so we can get this done quickly. 
  • Friday, Dec. 18 - Breakfast provided by Rob Colgan and Family
Holiday Schedule:
Remember, practices over the Christmas break count towards your attendance just like any other practice!  We will be having practices Dec 21 & 22, Dec 28,29,30,31.
  • Dec 21 & 22 – Normal schedule 
  • Mon: 7-8:30am & 3-4:30pm (Varsity at both, others at one); 
  • Tues 3-4:30pm (Everyone) 
  • Dec 28,29,30 – TBD 
  • Dec 31 – Friends and Family meet. 3-4:30pm.  Cider and cookies afterwards. 

    More info coming, but families and friends are encouraged to participate.  We will have a 50 of each stroke, a 100IM, and some fun relays.  Counts as a normal practice for team members.
Looking toward January:
It will be a busy swim schedule in January, including the overnight trip to Cedar City, and a meet in Ogden.  Swimmers – your attendance MUST be at 85% or better to go to Cedar City.  You will miss school on Friday January 15th.  PLEASE plan ahead. Jan. 15th is the LAST DAY of the term.  You may need to arrange to take tests early, etc.

  • 100%+: Allison B, Kanna, Maddie, Madison, Lauren, Madeline, Stephanie, Meghan, Eleanor, Noah, Jared, Jackson, Connor   GREAT! 
  • 90-99%: Sammy, Ally H, Busra, Katy, Chloe, Jessie, Mary, Daxton, Rob, Griffin, Oskar, Alex, Dylan, Jack, Cameron 
  • 85-89%: Mae, Jamie, Abbey, Nicole S, Ian, Zach, Austin, Hank, James 
  • 80-84%: Peyton, Emma R, Dana, Ramsey, Adam 
  • 70-79%: (50 FR ONLY at meet – come twice Monday!) Lindsay, Jesper, Julius, Jojo, Isaac 
  • 60-69%:  (Make-ups needed!!!!) Nicole B, Nick 
  • Below 60%: (ON PROBATION) David