Tuesday, March 29, 2016

March 29, 2016 -- Swim Team Banquet


We hope to see everyone at the banquet!

Online RSVP:   East Swim Banquet


Email RSVP: joslincw@gmail.com

Banquet Parking Map


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

March 9, 2016 -- Actually... Save This Date!

Due to unseen circumstances we need to change the Swim Banquet date.

Mark your calendars Again! A new Swim Banquet date has been set!!!

Monday, March 7, 2016

March 8, 2016 -- Save the Date!

Mark your calendars!  A Swim Banquet Date Has Been Set!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

February 27, 2016 - Water Polo!

Hi Everyone!

Are you all rested up, and recovered?
We still don't have a definite date for the banquet, but it looks like it will be in April sometime.
I can't get pool time for one last get together because water polo now has the pool from 3-5 pm every day.

BUT - it is NOT too late to join the water polo team!  Water polo is a nice break from swimming - totally different.  It keeps you in the water and having fun.  Water polo helps your swimming, and swimming helps your water polo.  I'm sure you can just show up at the pool and give it a try, or talk to Meghan or Zach or James or ???  It is an East club team, but has players from other area schools, as well as East.

There was a time when water polo was at least as important in our house as swimming was, and Dane would have rather played polo in college than swam, but there are so few collegiate water polo teams and he isn't 6'10", 300 lbs, and from an Eastern European country.  Still - he had a lot of fun, made good friends, and got to go on a few trips. You should try it!!

Another way, of course, to get a jump ahead for next year is to join a club swimming team.  There are several in the area - Swim Utah, Race Swami, Fish Market, etc.  There are also summer country club teams - JCC, SL Tennis Club, Northcrest, SL Country Club, etc.  You can find more information online for any of these teams.  If you have questions, email, or call me, and I can help direct you to more information.

I hope to see you all soon!  Get in the water!
