Sunday, October 26, 2014

October 27-31, 2014 -- Indoor Pool is Open!!

Hello all - 

This week we will be on our normal schedule since Steiner's indoor pool is finally open!!  Unless something else happens, we will be inside at Steiner from now on.  

So, our normal schedule this week:
  • Monday: 7-8:30AM & 3-4:30PM Varsity required at BOTH; everyone else required at ONE with extra as make-up.
  • Tuesday: 3-4:30PM everyone
  • Wednesday: 5:30-7AM Varisty (required) & Varsity-Invited only; 3-4:30PM everyone, 1st half hour is dryland
  • Thursday: 3-4:30PM everyone
  • Friday: 5:30-7AM everyone! 
We will be making Chipotle fundraiser posters on Wednesday after practice.  Chipotle flyers (single/double) are attached for your convenience to print, email, post on your facebook and instragram accounts, etc.  Please help us spread the word about the last team sponsored fundraiser.  The team receives 50% of the proceeds from the sales that night.  Please encourage your families and friends to visit us at Chipotle on November 4th for dinner.

Team gear order will be handed out after practice on Thursday!!  Please make sure your gear balance has been completely paid at the East treasurer's office in order to receive your gear.  If you have questions about your balance please contact Jodie Swanson (801-712-0456).

Attendance numbers generally look better this week:
  • 100%++: Mei, Eden, Kanna, Maddie, Jamie, Katy, Meghan, Daxton, Jared, Griffin, Jackson, Alex M, Dylan, Jack, James
  • 90-98%: Ally, Chiharu, Abby P, Stephanie, Jesse, Nicole, Rob, Zach, Nathan, Cameron, Travis
  • 88%: Olivia
  • 80-83%: Allison, Dana, Sam, Mary, Adam, Noah, Hank
  • 50-79%: Lauren, Abbie J, Alicia, Madeline, Emma, Wendy, Alen, Nick, Ryan (need Monday make-up!)
  • < 50%: Alex I, Andria, Aidan
Please let me know if I've made a mistake. Remember, for a practice to be excused, I need a doctor's note, or an in-person visit from the swimmer or parent. Also, this year I will not be excusing practices where you show up but don't at least attempt to swim unless you have an obvious ailment of some sort.  Homework, no suit/cap/goggles, test, detention, drivers ed, don't-feel-like-it, study session, etc., are NOT adequate reasons.

Thank you to the Rainier and Jensen Families for breakfast last week!

Breakfast this week:
  • October 29th (Wednesday Varsity) breakfast provided by Ally Hopson and Family
  • October 31st (Friday) breakfast provided by Alex and Katy Mayer and Family.
Heads up for next week:
  • Normal schedule
  • November 4th, Chipotle Fundraiser night, everyone must participate
  • November 5th (Wednesday Varsity) breakfast - Van Buren Family
  • November 7th (Friday) breakfast - Bodner/Packham Families
  • First Meet!! November 7th - Judge, East and Clearfield @ Bountiful - AWAY MEET
  • November 7th - Dinner @ Costa Vida (Foothill location) after Bountiful Meet
Remember to bring your own breakfast if you attend Monday morning!

Go East!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

OCTOBER 20-24, 2014

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all had a good break.  Now the swim season really gets down to routine...

Unfortunately, our pool still isn't ready, and isn't expected to be ready until next week, so not quite routine.

This week we will have an extra practice to try to accommodate the unexpected schedule, and help those of you who need a make-up to be meet eligible on November 7th.
  • Monday:  7-8:30 AM @ SL Sports Complex (Steiner) AND 3-4:30 PM @ Steiner BOTH required for Varsity, ONE for everyone else
  • Tuesday: 5:30-7 AM VARSITY ONLY @ Fairmont AND 3-4:30 PM Everyone @ Steiner
  • Wednesday: 3-4:30 PM Everyone @ Steiner (1st half hour is dryland)
  • Thursday: 5:30-7 AM @ Fairmont AND 3-4:30 PM @ Steiner. 
  • Friday: 3-4:30 PM @ Steiner. Of the 3 practices on Thursday and Friday, everyone is required to attend at least 2.
Look that schedule over carefully and if there are questions, please ask.  I will try to have a bus for Thursday morning from Fairmont to East at 7:20 AM, but I will need to let you know. We had fun last week at Fairmont. It was great to have practically the whole pool to ourselves.  To summarize - there are 8 practices next week - to have 100% attendance, varsity must attend SEVEN and everyone else must attend FIVE.  Keep in mind that Tuesday morning is open for Varsity and Varsity-Invited swimmers ONLY.

Now - attendance percentages:
  • 95% and up: Eden, Kanna, Maddie, Jamie, Meghan, Daxton, Griffin, Jared, Jackson, Alex M, Dylan, Jack, James, Abbey P, Nicole, Rob, Zach, Travis
  • 85-95%: Mei, Olivia, Allison, Sam, Chiharu, Katy, Dana, Jesse, Noah, Hank, Nate, Cameron, Stephanie
  • 50-80%: Ally, Madeline, Emma, Mary, Wendy, Adam, Aidan, Nick, Ryan
  • < 50%: Lauren, Alex I, Andria, Abby J, Alicia, Alen
I will have the attendance sheet on Monday.  Let me know if I've made a mistake. A bunch of you need to make it to an extra practice or two this week.  It's easy to swing that number now - it gets hard later.  

I STILL NEED: Physicals from Olivia (pg 3) & Alicia, Register My Athlete from Sam, Abby J, Nicole and Ryan (Incomplete?)

See you all tomorrow!!



Thank you Jackson Keller and Family for breakfast last week!

Breakfast this Week:

  • Tuesday breakfast is being provided by Meghan Rainier and Family.
  • Thursday breakfast is being provided by Madeline Jensen, Rob Colgan and Families.
Thank you Marsha, Liz and Marilyn! 

Heads up for Next Week: 

  • Wednesday breakfast - Hopson Family
  • Friday breakfast - Mayer Family

Sunday, October 12, 2014

OCTOBER 13-17, 2014

Hi Swimmers and  Parents - 

We are on our way!  We survived our first week of the season.  It was fun to have everyone at practice.  It sounds like the party on Saturday was well attended and really fun!  MANY thanks to the Wright, Swanson, Colgan, and Hopson families for making it a success!  Watch for photos on Instagram and the Blog site.  

Schedule for this week:
Mon, Tues, Wed - 3-4:30pm at SL Sports Complex (dryland from 3-3:30 on Wed before swimming)
Tues - 5:30-7am at Fairmont Aquatic Center.  Breakfast after.  There will be a school bus at 7:20am for those who do not have a car.  We are paying for the bus, so please use it rather than crowding into cars! This practice is required for VARSITY.  For JV & Varsity-Invited, ONE practice on Tues is required, the other can be used as make-up.
Thurs & Fri (UEA) - NO practice, ENJOY
I still don't know the expected opening of our indoor pool - I've gotten conflicting reports.

A few things to remember:
- While I appreciate an email, call, text, or note saying why a swimmer won't be at practice, that does not mean it's excused. For a practice to be excused, I either need a note from the health professional, or an in-person visit from the swimmer or parent. 
- 1 to 20 minutes late = 75% attendance for the day; more than 20 minutes late = absence. 
- I still need paperwork or registermyathlete (RMA) sign-up from several of you:  
Ian Ashworth - all paperwork, RMA is transfer pending 
Ryan Pratt - physical (a signature is needed), RMA
Sam Henshaw, Nicole Sullivan, Abby Jensen - RMA
Olivia Brown - pg 3 of physical form
Jamie Lewis & Lauren Hash - Athlete info form for team directory, and other misc. forms
Alicia Jimenez - physical

Week One attendance:
100% - Eden, Allison B, Kanna, Maddie, Chiharu, Jamie, Dana, Meghan, Emma R, Mary, Daxton, Jared, Griffin, Jackson, Zach, Dylan, Jack, James
94% (one late) - Abbey P, Nicole, Rob, Travis
75% (one absence) - Mei, Olivia, Sam, Ally H, Stephane, Jesse, Wendy, Noah, Alen, Aidan, Alex M, Hank, Nathan, Cameron
67% - Adam
50% - Abby J, Madeline, Katy
<50% - Lauren, Alex I, Andria, Alicia, Nick, Ryan

One last thing - Jodie still has a someone's tent left from the pancake breakfast.  To claim it, call Jodie (801-712-0456).

Good start everyone!

Go East!!


Thursday, October 9, 2014

OCTOBER 9, 2014

Greetings All!

We want to remind everyone about our Team party on Saturday, October 11th.  We will all meet at the Wright house (1392 Canterbury Drive/Phone:  801-487-3032 or 801-661-0300) at 7:00 pm.  The plan is to have dinner, visit the Haunted Village and then back to the Wright house for dessert.  Cost to get into the park will be $5 per swimmer which we will collect that evening ($5 is contributed by the team!).

Also, remember the FINAL GEAR ORDER and money is due tomorrow to the East Treasurer, if she is not there please take your order to the front office.  This is your last chance to order gear. 

Hope to see you all on Saturday!

Go East Swimming!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

OCTOBER 5-11, 2014

Swimmers and Parents - 

First of all I want to THANK all of the parents and swimmers who helped with the fundraiser on Saturday.  The cooks were great!  The breakfast was tasty, the bake sale was yummy, the weather was perfect, and the swimmers were enthusiastic!  We raised over $4000!  This money will be used throughout the year for activities, equipment, and to pay for our trip to Cedar City. The Pancake breakfast, Silent Auction, and Bake sale would not have happened without Joslin Wright.  She, and her family, put in so much work to make it a success.  Not only did she solicit the donations, and organize the event, I think her family bought half of the auction items.  A huge thank-you to everyone involved.

This week marks the start of the official swim season.  Practices become required, and the 85% rule goes into effect.  I will keep a running attendance sheet that I will print on Mondays for the swimmers and report in this weekly email.  Everyone should know where they stand. Swimmers will not be eligible to swim in a meet unless their attendance is 85% or better.  Our first meet is November 7th. Meets count double and all swimmers are expected to swim.  Most of you have turned in your physicals and registered on  There are a few problems.  I will let you know Monday if you are missing something.  

FINAL GEAR ORDER is due by Friday!  If you missed the first order, this is your last chance.  Turn in your completed form and money to the East Treasurer by Friday!

SWIM SCHEDULE is M-Th 3-4:30pm this week Oct 6-10.  On Wednesday, we will do half an hour of dryland from 3-3:30pm, and then swim. Also on Wednesday, Jodie Swanson and Karen Day will be taking pictures for the team directory. All other days, we get IN the water at 3pm. Looking ahead - next week Oct 13-17 is UEA, so we will go M-W 3-4:30pm. Tuesday, October 14, we have a morning practice scheduled at Fairmont 5:30-7am.  This will give us a chance to swim in a short course pool and practice some dives.  That practice will be required for Varsity swimmers. JV swimmers are required to attend at least ONE of the two practices that day.  There will be a bus to take swimmers from Fairmont to East on that morning at 7:20am. There will be breakfast!  There will be NO practice over the UEA break.

October 11th is our first team party.  Swimmers, please plan on attending.  There will be a sign-up list at practice.  These events, planned by the parents and captains, are the best way to make friends and get to know your teammates.  On October 11th dinner will be at the Wright's house, then a visit to the Haunted Village, and then back to the Wright's house for dessert.  Cost to get into the park will be $5 per swimmer ($5 is contributed by the team. See! Fundraiser money at work!)

Again, a thousand thanks to those who helped with the breakfast, and bought, or donated items - In particular: Swanson Family, Extended Wright Family, Rainier Family, Karen Day, Deanna Mortensen, Keller Family, swimmers, the East custodial staff, and I'm sure I missed some important ones...   

Go East!


PS - Thank-you to those parents who have signed up to help officiate at our home meets.  Your names have been turned in and your fee has been paid for the clinics. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October 1, 2014

Thank you everyone for your OVERWHELMING support!  We have everything we need for Saturday morning! Remember to wear your red shirts!

Make sure to check out the E tomorrow.  The team did an AWESOME job!!